Full Listings

Faye Webster

Tuesday 1st July



Tuesday 1st July

Academy 2

Lucy Dacus

Wednesday 2nd July


Tanner Adell

Tuesday 8th July

Academy 3

Oas-is: Same Hits. Same Night. Same City.

Friday 11th July

Academy 2

The War and Treaty

+ Special Guests

Tuesday 15th July

Academy 2

Cheekface & Martha

+ support from Fresh

Saturday 19th July

Academy 2

It lurks in the shadows: a five-ton, red-eyed monster ready to crush its prey. It's Cheekface and Martha with special guest Fresh: the high-flying, awe-inspiring megastars of modern rock!


Watch Cheekface and Martha with special guest Fresh's toughest competition do their talking on and off the stage with wild, song-to-song action!


It's Cheekface and Martha with special guest Fresh comin' atcha in this all-new, never-before-seen concert spectacular! Buy tickets now!

The Chris Stapleton Experience

Saturday 26th July

Academy 3

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